
Reporting Vehicle Accidents & Citations

The link immediately below defines the driving provisions and accident reporting obligations of all persons who may be involved in a business-related vehicle accident.  University policy requires the reporting of accidents involving personal vehicles where damage or injury occurred in the course of University business. 

Meal and Alcohol Guidelines

In order to advance business and development goals there are times when the purchase of meals or alcohol is necessary. The guidelines at the link below are in addition to and shall not supersede existing reimbursement policies and requirements.  We must all be sensitive to our stewardship obligations when state or donated funds are expended. All expenses must have an identified budget source and be approved by the unit head in concept prior to spending.


Farm Sales Activities

Farming and ranching are fundamental to the Division's ability to deliver on our Land Grant mission.  As such, the production of crops, animals, or other mission related products or by-products, including alfalfa, beef, cotton, etc. may be sold to wholesalers, retailers, or to the public so long as the sale of these goods or services are in conformance with ABOR Policy 1-105 Competition with Private Enterprise.

Vacancy Savings

Position vacancy savings either remain with the unit or revert to CALS/CES depending upon the type of position that was vacated.  CALS/CES vacancy savings are budgeted for and reinvested annually into new faculty, critical hires, and strategic areas.  Due to separate state line item budgets, CALS/CES savings will automatically flow to either the Teaching & Research or Cooperative Extension accounts, as appropriate, to maintain budgetary separation of the line items.

Faculty and Staff Consensus Statement on Collegiality

The Importance of Collegiality to the Quality of the Workplace Environment
Division of Agriculture, Life and Veterinary Sciences, and Cooperative Extension

Collegiality is the cooperative interaction among colleagues where individuals work productively, and interact with civility with faculty, students, staff members, and stakeholders in all environments impacted by the university.

Presence at Work (PAW), Exempt Employees

To ensure all exempt employees have a comfort using the time sheet system (UAccess Employee), exempt employees are strongly encouraged to report presence at work (PAW) on their time sheets.  PAW does not route for supervisor approval.  This best practice is one way to mitigate concerns associated with common time reporting issues, such as Family Medical Leave, vacation, and sick leave.

Opportunistic Hires

All opportunistic hiring (e.g. SPFI, GIDP, etc.) requires an application from an ALVSCE unit during the annual call for faculty hires and follows the hiring plan process. These are requested during the Spring semester of each year and subject for approval during the Summer months with approval to begin hiring in the Fall semester.


Strategic Priorities Faculty Initiative (SPFI)

Offer Letter Verbiage Inserts

All Offer Letters

To support new employees and embrace the public service responsibilities as a UA employee, ALVSCE requires that all offer letters include the following language.  It is inserted after the paragraph discussing enrollment in benefits but before the paragraph discussing the Immigration Reform Act.

Merit Increase Eligibility & APRs

If an employee is ineligible for a merit adjustment because a required annual performance evaluation has not been completed, his/her supervisor and unit head are also not eligible for merit increases.  Please note that University policy requires an annual performance review for all benefits-eligible staff and appointed personnel (including post-docs).  Additional information on performance appraisals from Human Resources can be found here.

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