Hiring & Onboarding

Hiring and onboarding new employees is one of the most important things that supervisors do.  To ensure you are equipped with the necessary resources, we have consolidated resources from our division and throughout the UA here.


ALVSCE Recruitment Guidelines - encompass creating job description to onboarding/orientation

Advertising a Position - HR's list of potential associations and websites to list job advertisements

Hiring Request Form

GA Appointment Process and Responsibilities

Faculty Search Matrix

Salary Ranges ALVSCE Best Practice

Examples of Recruitment Highlights - for the job description position summary

PDF iconRecords Retention for Employee Searches - requirements for Search Committees retaining search documents

UA HR Recruiting and Hiring Information and Resources - many useful resources including Guide to Successful Searches and more!

Hiring/Recruitment Search Committee Rubric (Matrix)

ALVSCE Recruiting Resource - list of potential advertising job boards. This link also allows you to add resources as applicable. 

Faculty Search Committee Training - In order to improve the quality and diversity of candidate pools, a Faculty Search Committee Training will be required for all faculty search committee members and hiring authorities effective January, 2022. The Faculty Search Committee Training must be completed by all faculty search committee members prior to submitting a requisition to HR.

ALVSCE Recruitment Guidelines - encompass creating job description to onboarding/orientation

Faculty Affairs Recruitment Resources

- written for faculty hires, but largely applicable to staff hires as well

- modifiable template from the University of Michigan's ADVANCE Program to evaluate candidates

PDF iconHiring for the Ideal Team Player Humble, Hungry, and Smart

New Employee Welcoming Materials (Revision Coming in Fiscal Year 2023)

Request Access Provisioning

  • Access Provisioning FAQ's
  • Access Provisioning Help Guide -updated 10/13/2022

Human Resources Onboarding & Orientation

EDGE Learning for required trainings