
Rosters for all college- or division-level advisory or shared governance groups, including the ALVSCE Faculty Council. Also links to the web pages or websites maintained by each committee.

2023-2024 Committee Assignments ALVSCE Faculty Council

Awards & Recognition

The Division of Agriculture, Life and Veterinary Sciences, and Cooperative Extension has an approved awards program designed to honor outstanding faculty, administrators and teams.

Faculty Awards Program

Promotion & Career Management

For Potential Employees

Learn more about what makes this top-ranked research university an exceptional workplace for faculty at every stage of their careers.

Why work at U of A?

Policies & Forms

Quick links to university and division policies, including employment, finance/accounting, human resources, IT and more.

ALVSCE Policies for Faculty University Handbook for Appointed Personnel U of A Faculty Constitution

Budgets, Data, & Reports

Reference a variety of reports on business accounts, balances, spending, research awards/proposals and courses.

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University of Arizona Faculty Affairs

More info on recruitment, university resources and awards programs for faculty, the promotion process, sabbatical leave and reviews for faculty and administrators.

U of A Faculty Affairs