Weekly Bulletin
The Weekly Bulletin is the only avenue for communicating policy and procedure changes to the entire Division of Agriculture, Life and Veterinary Sciences, and Cooperative Extension.
To add an announcement to the Weekly Bulletin, please log in with your NetID credentials and complete the webform.
Deadline: 12:00 p.m. Thursday for Thursday afternoon's issue. Submissions received after noon on Thursday will be published the following Thursday.
Material should be brief, related to university programs, and of wide interest. Items will only be published after they are reviewed for relevancy by the bulletin coordinator. We reserve the right to refuse any content not deemed appropriate for this newsletter and to use our discretion to edit your submission for length if needed.
For further information: Georgette Rosberg (rosberg@arizona.edu or 520-626-6708)
To add an item for the Weekly Bulletin, please log in with your UA NetID.