Rates & Review

Who We Are

The Rates & Review Team (RRT), housed within ALVSCE Division Business Services (DBS), was established in 2014 to lead the Division in continuous process improvement and business improvement efforts.

Our Vision

To be a collaborative partner, championing best practices and fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

How we can support you…

  • Facilitate Lean Improvement Efforts
  • Provide training to unit staff
  • Provide unbiased and professional guidance on managing business challenges
  • Support Rate Study activities
  • Provides temporary office continuity
Desk with accounting items

Resources Matter – We are accountable and transparent, and have an omnipresent responsibility of public stewardship and accountability. We are committed to managing our resources in a way that is consistent with expectations for the Division.

Lightbulb with icons surrounding it

Ideas Matter – We value innovation, creativity, and resourcefulness. We support data-informed decision-making, and utilize industry best practices and approaches that have proven effective over time.

Group of people around a board

Teamwork Matters – We strive to build trust by fostering teamwork, demonstrating open communication, and remaining flexible and adaptable to meet the Division’s needs.

Professional Development Trainings

These training videos aim to provide practice using helpful tools that you can take and implement in your every day practices to increase efficiency in your business operations and processes. 

Root Cause Analysis 

Rapid Cycle Process Improvement

Process Mapping for Operational Success


Reach out to the Rates & Review Team - DBS-RatesAndReview@arizona.edu