Track Transfers from Nontenure-Eligible Career-Track to Tenure-Track or Continuing-Track Positions

Tenure-eligible, continuing-eligible, and nontenure-eligible career-track faculty members are defined in ABOR 6-201.

In recognition of an employee’s talents, contributions, and performance, a hiring unit within CALS may appoint a current employee to a different position within the hiring unit’s area of responsibility without conducting a competitive search. The guidelines below follow the Guidelines for Track Transfers across Tenure, Continuing-Status, and Nontenure-eligible Career-Track Positions, available here on the website of the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs.

This policy does not govern changes in tenure/continuing track status in the event of an administrative appointment or changes to the calculation of the probationary period for tenure/continuing status (clock extensions). UHAP 3.3.01 and UHAP 4A.3.01

Please review the Supporting Documents for the complete policy.


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Date Policy Created

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Supporting Documents (If Applicable)