ERE Management

State-funded Employee Related Expense (ERE) budgets have been distributed to each responsibility center unit (RCU; i.e. colleges and VP units) to manage. RCUs and underlying units are thus incentivized to appropriately manage their ERE pool to: 1) minimize unnecessary costs, 2) maintain a positive balance, 3) plan and set aside funds for future ERE cost growth, and 4) properly invest surpluses back into critical mission areas.  ALVSCE units have been delegated this responsibility since 2014.   Units are solely responsible for proper management of these funds as there are no additional ERE funds held at the college level which could subsidize deficits. 

The ERE Management policy describes the best practices and expectations to manage the ERE funds in your unit (see the Supporting Documents).

Current ERE Rates


Display on Which Audience Pages

Date Policy Created

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Date Policy Revised (If Applicable)

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Supporting Documents (If Applicable)