ALVSCE Finances

Year-End Balances

How much money is available at my unit head's discretion?

Review your unit within the respective Unit Group. This displays the money available in your unit. The Q1 through Q3 will also include a prompt for including Obligations that are planned for the current year in the ending balance. For further details, discuss with your unit head and business officer or at your unit's regular meeting. (The ALVSCE Organizational Structure provides more information about Unit Groups and how units are organized in ALVSCE.)

Updated for Q3 Available Funds on 05/07/24


ALVSCE Financial Plans

Want to know more about current financial plans and projections?

Select a link below for accounting tables of plans and projections in ALVSCE.

Unit Available Funds
Departments/units publish their financial state across their available funds, those funds directed by the unit, within a dashboard and as historical reports, also called "Quarterly Reports." This is typically updated every quarter of the Fiscal Year

CALES Lifesaver Report
CALES represents estimated fiscal expenses by color category displaying degrees of freedom in our ability to shed costs.

Provost All Funds Multi-Year Presentations
ALVSCE presents about its plans tied to financials for its colleges (CALES, Cooperative Extension, and AES) each Spring semester.

Where does the spending occur in CALES?

CALES Framework for Activity Informed Budgeting (February 1, 2023)
Documents how CALES allocates revenue under AIB.

ALVSCE Financial Survey (January 5, 2024)
Monthly financial reports submitted to SLT starting January 2024.

Financial Literacy

Want to learn more about finances?

Select a link below for important language and concepts.

Business Glossary
Finances can get complicated without defining language to refer to concepts and the moving parts involved with resources, so we put together a Business Glossary, sometimes referred to as the ALVSCE Plain English Glossary, to help us all use begin to use common language.

CALES Common Cost
CALES definition of Common Cost, as well as unit funded positions and activities.

CALES Common Cost AIB Allocations
CALES AIB workgroup was charged with developing our process for distributing AIB revenue to academic units. The process within CALES is through Common Cost which is fully described in the link above.

CALES AIB  College Committee Framework 
CALES AIB workgroup was charged with developing our process for distributing AIB revenue to academic units. The framework within CALES is fully described in the link above.

Jargon: Acronym and Initialism Guide
Acronyms and initialisms are heavily used across academia and in federal and state agencies, so we put together a page of resources to learn about the ones used at the University of Arizona.

ALVSCE Business Retreats
Every Fall and Spring semester, ALVSCE college, unit, and shared governance leaders review and discuss business and resources to ensure the mission of ALVSCE is best supported.

ALVSCE Data Guide for Mission & Business Oversight
Finances depend on mission and business activity; the Data Guide for Mission & Business Oversight aims to provide that context with high level figures and trends.