Got a question about the division? A concern you want to share?

Would you like to learn more about what goes on in other units?

Vice President and Dean Shane Burgess hosts Dial-the-Dean webinars throughout the year to provide another opportunity for communications within the Division of Agriculture, Life and Veterinary Sciences, and Cooperative Extension. 

These 30-minute podcasts are scheduled once a month and are open to all ALVSCE personnel. The programs usually feature special guests or topics, but your questions on any topic are always welcome. We also plan a program periodically without any guests to provide more time for your questions, comments or concerns.

Upcoming Dial-the-Dean

Questions can be asked live or emailed in advance to Georgette Rosberg at

Please join us! If you are unable to take part in a specific program, a link to the recording will be published on this webpage and in the Weekly Bulletin after the event. 

Programs, Guests & Topics

To access the captions for webcast recordings available via Panopto, open the recording, then click "Captions" in the left panel. Full captions for each recording can be downloaded by clicking on the daisy wheel icon in the top navigational bar, selecting "Captions," then downloading the file and viewing in Notepad or a similar application.

To request a transcript or a captioned version of this content as a disability-related accommodation, please contact Georgette Rosberg at

  • Dial-the-Dean, October 16, 2024 (Q&A with Dean Burgess) - Recording pending availability
  • Dial-the-Dean, September19, 2024 (Q&A with Dean Burgess/Training programs or funding opportunities for new Extension specialists, infrastructure grants or Hatch funding available to Extension specialists, tenure-track hiring, prioritization of new hire proposals, division representation on university councils/committees, development/alumni relations, needs assessment for Experiment Station field operations inventory)
  • Dial-the-Dean, August 20, 2024 (guest: Matt Halldorson/Yavapai County wine industry, tourism in Arizona, FCHS programs)
  • Dial-the-Dean, July 23, 2024 (guest: Jim Sayre/new payment equipment in Main Campus garages, game day parking restrictions, guest passes) 
  • Dial-the-Dean, May 3, 2024 (guests: Tedley Pihl, Patrick Heacock and Kim Krumhar/food science, nutrition of fermented foods and the gut microbiome, internships) 
  • Dial-the-Dean, April 12, 2024 (guest: Jessie Semmann/Threat Assessment and Management Team, 911 vs. TAMT, threats and warning behaviors)
  • Dial-the-Dean, April 3, 2024 (guest: Jeff Ratje/Q&A on second AFMY meeting-CALES only) - information reviewed during this webinar
  • Dial-the-Dean, March 7, 2024 (guest: Kathleen Walker/Great Arizona Tick Check, distribution of tick species in Arizona, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever)
  • Dial-the-Dean, February 13, 2024 (guests: Rachel Doty, Kathleen Kennedy, Ashlee Linares-Gaffer, Jeff Ratje and Kristen Vann/CALES budget and finance, university's Financial Action Plan)
  • Dial-the-Dean, February 7, 2024 (guest: Chris Elsner/benefits of Peace Corps service, application requirements, Coverdell Fellowships) 
  • Dial-the-Dean, January 16, 2024 (guest: Brett Blum/Santa Rita Experimental Range, renewal of headquarters lease, research uses) 
  • Dial-the-Dean, November 20, 2019 (guests: Dave Baltrus, Parker Antin, Jeffrey Ratje and Mike Staten/UCAP, budgets, RCM reserve, processes for hiring proposals and TA allocation) -- We ran out of time for all the Faculty Council's questions during the November 20 program. Linked here are:

PDF iconAdditional Questions about the Mission of CALS and composite responses from Dr. Burgess, Associate Dean Staten, Assistant Dean McLain and Dr. Matt Mars, chair of the Cardon Academy of Teaching Excellence

  • Dial-the-Dean, November 12, 2019 (guests: Sangita Pawar and Parker Antin/RII reorganization, Faculty Advisory Council, strategic plan as guide in decision-making)
  • Dial-the-Dean, October 29, 2019 (guests: KC Armenta, Carolyne Greeno and Jeffrey Ratje/opting in to UCAP after the deadline, FLSA analysis, proposed policy on separation from employment, salary increases for those who don't opt in, job descriptions in JDXpert)
  • Dial-the-Dean, October 8, 2019 (guest: Kirsten Limesand/new informational resources, preparing PhD students for careers outside academia, international grad students)
  • Dial-the-Dean, September 26, 2019 (guests: Peter Ellsworth and George Frisvold/Extension mandate, outreach vs. Extension, promotion process for specialists)
  • Dial-the-Dean, September 9, 2019 (guest: Jean McLain/promotion for lecturers, preparing for promotion, sabbatical options for career-track faculty)
  • Dial-the-Dean, August 29, 2019 (UCAP process to request re-review, Eastern Arizona College, agri-tourism)
  • Dial-the-Dean, August 12, 2019 (guest: Mike Celaya/PFFP program, successful faculty member/DO partnership, communications, stewardship)
  • Dial-the-Dean, July 29, 2019 (guest: Trent Teegerstrom/FRTEP funding, appropriate terminology, feral horses, UA strategic plan)
  • Dial-the-Dean, July 8, 2019 (guest: Ed Martin/urban extension, heat islands, Connect2STEM, AmeriCorps)
  • Dial-the-Dean, June 20, 2019 (guest: Laura Scaramella/Norton School disciplines, diversity of jobs for FSHD grads, her objectives for first year)
  • Dial-the-Dean, May 28, 2019 (guest: Jeffrey Ratje/FY20 budget priorities, RCM modeling, changes in space cost, Extension and RCM)
  • Dial-the-Dean, May 13, 2019 (guests: John Denker and Jennifer Yamnitz/US News & World Report ranking, brand equity, key markets)
  • Dial-the-Dean, April 19, 2019 (guest: Jane Hunter/moving forward with UA strategic plan, how to connect budget with achieving plan, pillar owners and initiative leaders)
  • Dial-the-Dean, April 9, 2019 (guests: Jan Myers, Emily Gillilan, Robert Lanza and Brian Berrellez/UCAP timeline for communications to senior leaders/supervisors/employees, market pricing and salaries, process for employees to request additional review, UCAP web resources)
  • Dial-the-Dean, March 26, 2019 (guest: Natalynn Masters/student government, mental health crisis, quality of personal interactions with faculty and staff, diversity)
  • Dial-the-Dean, March 19, 2019 (guests: Jean McLain, Mike Ottman, Craig Rasmussen and Bobby Torres/POPs promotion process, teaching section of dossier, demonstrating impact and trajectory in dossier)
  • Dial-the-Dean, February 25, 2019 (guest: Ursula Schuch/Diversity & Inclusiveness Council membership and programs)
  • Dial-the-Dean, February 5, 2019 (guest: Sangita Pawar/ICR misconceptions, negotiation process, impact of different rates on funding process or promotion review)
  • Dial-the-Dean, January 8, 2019 (guests: Jan Myers, Brian Berrellez and Robert Lanza/UCAP calibration process, implementation date, University Staff policies)
  • Dial-the-Dean, December 5, 2017 (guest: Mike Staten/hiring plan and academic program development, recruitment, market demand, equity in teaching workloads, CIVITAS)
  • Dial-the-Dean, October 24, 2017 (guests: Jeffrey Ratje and Heather Roberts-Wrenn/FY18 salary increase program, numerical performance review ratings) [NOTE: This is only a partial recording and the first 10 minutes are missing. During these 10 minutes, Associate Dean Ratje was asked whether or not increases from earlier this year count towards a unit’s target amount for the FY18 salary increase program. He has summarized the answer he provided as follows: “Adjustments that have been recorded as ‘merit’ count towards the target amounts that were prescribed by the Provost. All other forms of salary adjustments, such as promotions, market, retentions, etc., do not count towards the target amounts. The target amounts are maximums that we have been allowed to spend on merit during this process by the Provost.”]
  • Dial-the-Dean, September 5, 2017 (guest: Parker Antin/collaboration, balancing teaching workloads with research, metrics)
  • Dial-the-Dean, August 1, 2017 (annual reviews, what if we don't meet enrollment goals)
  • Dial-the-Dean, July 5, 2017 (dean's registered lobbyist role)
  • Dial-the-Dean, May 18, 2017 (FY18 budget retreat, ASU/land-grant funds, funding vet school legal costs, technical lines at research stations)
  • Dial-the-Dean, May 4, 2017 (plans for a UA food studies degree, future relationship between CALS and proposed vet school)
  • Dial-the-Dean, April 7, 2017