Academic Advisor Career Ladder and Compensation Structure

Advisors are a critical element in student success and retention.  Historically, academic advising has been performed by a wide variety of personnel, including faculty, who often have many other job duties in addition to advising students.  In 2017 the University of Arizona committed to make professional academic advising more consistent across all academic units.  The Vice Provost for Academic Affairs has established new guidelines for academic advising positions, a well-defined career path for academic advisors, and accompanying salary ranges.  These standardized job descriptions and expectations are included below.  Prior to assigning or hiring an employee into a position of Academic Advisor, please consult the new career ladder and work directly with the Sr. Director of Advising and Student Services in the CALS Office of Career and Academic Services.  Effective March 24, 2017 all academic advisor hires must follow the new career ladder and compensation structure. 

All searches for academic advisors should involve the CALS Career and Academic Services (CAS) office.  All promotions or title changes must be endorsed by CAS. Contact CAS Sr. Director of Advising and Student Services Nancy Rodriguez-Lorta or CAS Associate Dean Michael Staten at 520-621-3616. 


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Date Policy Created

Thursday, August 31, 2017

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