Sharon Megdal Receives UCOWR Distinguished Lifetime Achievement Award
Sharon Megdal, director of the Water Resources Research Center, was recently awarded the 2020 Warren A. Hall Medal by the Universities Council on Water Resources (UCOWR). This lifetime achievement award honors one of UCOWR founders, Dr. Warren Hall, recognizing exceptional achievements of an individual in the field of water resources.
“I am both humbled and honored to be named the 2020 Warren A. Hall Medal winner. I look forward to June’s UCOWR Annual Conference, where I will talk about how I connect my research and teaching activities to real-world water management challenges.
Megdal is a past board member and UCOWR President, as well as a professor and specialist in the Department of Environmental Science, C.W. and Modene Neely Endowed Professor, and distinguished outreach professor.
She writes, speaks and teaches on water policy and management, including comparative evaluation of water management; governance in water-scarce regions; groundwater recharge; and transboundary aquifer assessment. Megdal’s local and international accomplishments include: lead editor of the book Shared Borders, Shared Waters: Israeli-Palestinian and Colorado River Basin Water Challenges, teaching the UArizona course “Water Policy in Arizona and Semi-arid Regions,” and serving on multiple Arizona boards and commissions.
Megdal will receive the award at the 2020 UCOWR/NIWR Conference, June 9-11, in Minneapolis, MN.