Registration Open for Food Safety Certificate Program
Earn your HACCP certification and 1.5 continuing education units
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Registrations are now being accepted for the University of Arizona Basic Hazard Analysis and Control Point (HAACP) training, a program designed and taught by Daniel Engeljohn, a professor of practice in animal science with decades of experience developing food safety policy at the U.S. Department of Agriculture. This two-day program is open to anyone who wants to better understand HAACP and its application to the U.S. food safety system, especially individuals who want to work in any aspect of food production, distribution, or preparation.
When: Aug. 6 - Aug. 7, 2019 (full day workshops)
Where: Food Product and Safety Lab, 4181 N. Campbell Ave., Tucson, Arizona
Cost: $350
This training directly fulfills federal food safety regulations for meat and poultry mandating that each manufacturer must rely on a trained individual who has received instruction in the application of HAACP principles, and is accredited by the International HACCP Alliance. Participants who successfully complete the course and are present for all aspects of the training workshop will receive a certificate from the International HACCP Alliance, a certificate of completion from UA Continuing and Professional Education, and will be eligible for 1.5 continuing education credits.