Business Office Academy - All Staff

Below are links to trainings and associated resource documents for various tasks applicable to  business office staff at all levels. UA Net ID and password log in is required to access the content below. 

For the best quality when watching any of the training videos, we recommend taking the following steps:

  • Click on the mp4 file to open it within UA Box
  • Click the Download button in the top right corner of the page
  • Once the download is complete, you can open and view the video through your computer's default media player. 

Reach out to the Rates and Review Team with any questions or if you encounter issues access the content below -


Trainings and Resources

Arizona Experiment Stations and Federal Funds

Business Policies and Compliance

Colors of Money and Intro to Smartsheet

Creating Automated Agents

Federal Excess Property Program

Introduction to U of A Foundation Accounts

Sponsored Projects