Proper Vehicle Usage Policy
Purpose & Summary
To outline ALVSCE requirements for properly maintaining and using university vehicles.
The ALVSCE Proper Vehicle Usage Required Practices were developed to ensure proper and responsible usage procedures for all department-owned vehicles and provide equity among all university vehicle users, creating efficient and consistent operations for the Division.
The use of vehicles for university business is governed by the UA Fleet Safety Policy. This policy establishes the management framework for fleet safety that will minimize losses and maintain compliance with state rules governing loss control programs for state agencies.
In addition to university requirements for driving university vehicles, all ALVSCE members who drive departmental-owned vehicles must adhere to the following:
1. In accordance with Arizona Revised Statutes § 38-538.03, all state vehicles must be branded with official state/organization markings, including logos, decals and license plates. ALVSCE vehicles must have all official University of Arizona markings on the vehicle within 2 weeks of the department receiving the vehicle.
- If there is a delay in obtaining official markings, the vehicle must be parked at an official University site. The vehicle cannot be driven until all required markings are on the vehicle.
2. All department vehicles must be housed at a University site. Vehicles cannot be stored at an individual’s home overnight for commuter purposes to and from the individual’s residence as this is not a justifiable business purpose per State and University policy.
Note: Exceptions can be made by the Unit Head/Director in rare instances if there is a written, pre-authorized business justification to remove significant burden to the employee when: (1) retrieving a vehicle would add more than 20 miles to their designated University business travel and/or (2) when travel for business must occur before standard business hours and the unit’s vehicles would not be accessible at the travel start time. Any exception approvals must be given at least two business days prior to the travel date and cannot be for more than two overnights maximum. The unit’s Business Office staff must be included on the approval notice for record retention and tracking purposes. Blanket approval to routinely store a university vehicle at a non-university site will not be provided to any employee.
- If an exception is provided for a specific business purpose, use of the vehicle for anything other than official university purposes is strictly prohibited. Examples of non-university business activities include but are not limited to trips to the store, the gym, running errands or picking up food.
3. All units must have a documented process for completing an annual review of all unit-owned vehicles. Tracking requirements must include:
- Make, Model, VIN and license plate of all vehicles owned by the department
- Current assigned authorized driver
- Primary use of vehicle – fieldwork, driving students to teaching sites, driving staff between UA offices within a county, etc.
- Date of last annual safety inspection with UA Motor Pool or Campus Ag Garage
- NOTE: If not on Main Campus, date of last annual inspection with another facility that employs ASE certified mechanics. Outside vendors must complete a UA Garage Vehicle Inspection Form, which must be faxed to UA Motor Pool at 520-621-5547.
- Vehicle emissions testing requirements
- All routine maintenance and bodily work completed on the vehicle and associated costs
- Fuel – gallon amounts and total costs
- Yearly mileage
4. Each employee assigned to drive a state vehicle is required to maintain a vehicle logbook that documents destination, daily mileage, university business purpose, and all drivers/passengers for every trip.
Non-compliance Escalation Procedure
If it is determined that usage of a university vehicle is not compliant with University and ALVSCE requirements, a 3-tier escalation path will be initiated and tracked by the unit’s Business Office.
1st offense – the individual will receive a written notice from the Business Office, copying the Unit Head/Director (or other appropriate chain of command Administrator), that the vehicle usage is out of compliance and must be rectified immediately. A specified timeline for when the individual is to be back within compliance must be included in the written notification.
2nd offense – the individual loses their access to operate a university vehicle for 30 days and must submit a written plan of action to avoid further non-compliance in the future. The individual may be eligible for business-related mileage reimbursement during this 30-day period, but may not operate a university vehicle, including the rental and usage through Motor Pool.
3rd offense – the individual’s name and all prior violations will be sent to the Safety Director at University Risk Management for further review. This may result in the permanent revocation of an individual’s ability to drive a university vehicle for the remainder of their employment with University.