Guidelines and Criteria for Faculty Appointment and Promotion

The College of Agriculture, Life and Environmental Sciences (CALES) has guidelines and criteria for promotion and tenure and promotion and continuing status that include a statement regarding compliance with relevant university and Board of Regents policies. An earlier revision (June 1999) emphasized the use of the position description in evaluation and advancement decisions and added an appendix with examples of instruction, research and service activities that may be used in the evaluation process.

Promotion Review Process for Faculty is a valuable online resource that provides practical, informal guidance and answers to frequently asked questions regarding the promotion process and preparation of dossiers for CALES faculty, administrators, mentors and staff.

All new tenure- or continuing-eligible faculty hired after July 1, 2003 must have a probationary review in their third year and a mandatory review for tenure or continuing status in their sixth year. Annual reviews for tenure- and continuing-eligible faculty must have an extra component that addresses progress toward tenure or continuing status.

Promotion of professors of practice and other career-track faculty (non-tenure) faculty, and 3-year or other probationary reviews with recommendation for non-renewal are due to the Office of the Vice President and Dean by September 27. Promotion and/or tenure or continuing status dossiers and three-year or other probationary reviews are due to the Office of the Vice President and Dean by October 25 (unless there is a possibility for non-retention). Consult your unit head for earlier unit deadlines.



Abstracted Guidelines and Criteria

A one-page abstract of each set of guidelines for use in Section 3 of the dossier is available below.