CALES Student and Enrollment Snapshots



View snapshots of student headcount over time by unit, plan, and career for all students with a CALES major, specialization, pre-major, certificate, or minor.

The prompts are set to default to Primary Major Plan Flag = 'Y', Enrolled in Term Flag = 'Y', Plan Type Code = 'MAJ','PRP','SP', consistent with Census Trends data in Analytics.

There are several adjustments on this report that are made for internal program management purposes:

  1. Non-Degree Seeking students at the NWAFU campus are included in the ENVS count. These students now appear on a separate row with an "*".
  2. Include GIDP plans for ENTO and the Arid Lands PhD for SNRE.  These plans have an "*" next to them.
  3. BEBSBE has changed colleges in the past.  We are including the plan here, regardless of college home.
  4. Some plans/students have '-' listed as their campus or location.  We've looked into the plan information in Student to update to the most likely campus.

If you need headcounts that show only official data, please go to Student Headcounts | Census Trends in UAccess Analytics

Follow up items:

  1. Students in Accelerated MS programs don't have the Accelerated sub-plan due to a change in their admissions process. 
  2. Working on a report that can be prompted to show all plans within an unit, including minors and secondary majors.

Update Schedule

This dashboard is to be updated after census, end of term, and end of fiscal year.  

Last update to data:  Updated 02/14/25 for Spring Census 2025; Next update will be after Spring End of Term.

NOTE:  NWAFU students are not enrolled at the beginning of the fall term prior to Fall 2024.


Three different ways to count students

  • Student Headcount by Primary Major (Default)
    • Why is this used?  This is the standard way of reporting Census counts even though is does indeed exclude a subset of CALES students (namely, those with secondary majors), used to determine the base student population for CALES.
    • How to use it?  This dashboard defaults to using Primary Major Counts, which excludes students who have secondary majors in CALES. 
  • Student Headcount
    • Why is this used?  This is used for determining the entire student population without counting them multiple times.
    • How to use it?  This dashboard can show secondary majors by setting the Primary Major filter to All.  This shows all CALES students, but the dashboard using a "distinct," or unique, count on students.  This means each student is counted once but may not show in the major/Plan that you expect since the software shows the students once, under the first Plan that appears in the report.  This also means that totals do not add-up from the numbers displayed above them.
  • Plan Count
    • Why is this used?  This is used for counting all students within their respective Plans, usually to determine the entire student population for CALES while being able to see totals for every Plan and Subplan combination.
    • How to use it?  This dashboard does not currently provide a Plan count.  This is similar to Student Headcount but instead of the calculation counting each student once, it counts each student-and-plan once, meaning students can be counted multiple times, depending on how many Plans they have in CALES.  This also means that totals do add-up from the numbers displayed above them.

Programs and Minors

Program mappings for minors are being developed.

Related Reports



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