ALVSCE Faculty Workload (Effort) Tool


The assignment of Faculty Workload (or effort) on each mission area is managed using UAccess Employee as of November, 2023.  Reporting by faculty member is available in Faculty Workload dashboard in UAccess Analytics.  The legacy ALVSCE Faculty Workload (Effort) Tool web application previously used to manage Faculty Workload prior to this implementation is linked below for reference.  

How to Edit Faculty Workload 

(draft 11/2023)

  1. Faculty Workload is entered into UAccess Employee by the unit Business Officer or Unit Head annually and updated in the Fall or as faculty workload changes
  2. Faculty Workload reporting is available in UAccess Analytics Faculty Workload dashboard
  3. Instructions for updating faculty workload are available in the MSS Faculty Workload Guide
  4. Legacy reporting previously maintained in Smartsheet linked below for reference


  • SCH - Student Credit Hours (SCH) indicate the number of units across all enrolled students in the Lab and Lecture courses taught by the faculty member for Fall and Spring semesters
  • FTE Total (ALVSCE) - Full Time Equivalency (FTE) tells what percentage of a full work schedule (e.g., 40 hours per week) are expected to be worked by the employee
  • Tenure Status - The tenure status code of each faculty member, including: Tenure (T); Tenure Eligible (TE); Continuing (C); Continuing Eligible (CE); Career Track (CT)
  • Course Units Delivered - The number of course units taught by an instructor, dividing course where appropriate for: cross listing, co-convened, and effort. Example: a 3 unit course evenly team taught by two instructors (50% each on course) is 1.5 Effort Units per instructor.
  • Course Units Expected - Calculation of: ( entered Instruction Classroom Effort * FTE Total ) / 0.05. This is in accordance with the CALS CATE standard.
  • Course Units Needed - Calculates (as workload distribution figures change) the number of Effort Units needed to reach the Expected amount from the Delivered (where Delivered is limited to labs and lectures in Fall and Spring
  • Unique Courses Taught - The number of course catalog listings (Course Subject + Course Catalog, collapsing cross-listings and co-convened grad/undergrad sections) taught adjusted to Faculty Workload (e.g., team teaching percentages).
  • Workload (Effort) Components
    • Instruction Classroom - Current percentage of Total Effort dedicated to classroom instruction (Instruction Classroom + Instruction Admin = Total Instruction Effort)
    • Instruction Admin - Current percentage of Total Effort dedicated to instruction administration, such as program directors  (Instruction Classroom + Instruction Admin = Total Instruction Effort)
    • Research - Current percentage of Total Effort dedicated to the research mission
    • Extension - Current percentage of Total Effort dedicated to the Extension mission - Extension workload must be approved by the Director of Cooperative Extension. No workload in Extension is possible without this approval.
    • Service - Service typically should not exceed 10%. Provide justification in Notes if >10% (since such amounts must be approved by the Dean)
    • Admin - Percentage of Total Effort dedicated to administrative work (e.g., unit head, director of an institute/center, or non-instructional program director that exceeds the normal bounds of service)
    • Other - Other Workload is for cases when a faculty member's time is shared between CALS and another college. The Total should always add to 100%, so the Other column helps with including all other Effort
  • Summer Course Units to Deliver - Number of Course Units expected to be delivered in the upcoming summer sessions ** Limited to summer teaching only as part of total contractual Instruction Effort **


Manage Faculty Workload

Legacy ALVSCE Faculty Workload Reports (reference only)