Faculty Annual Performance Reviews

Annual Reviews for Tenure- and Continuing-Eligible Faculty

  • Every benefits-eligible employee is required to receive a performance review annually.
  • All CALES faculty members are evaluated in the context of their position description, both for annual review and for promotion. All tenure- and continuing-eligible faculty should receive a special component of their annual review that provides feedback regarding progress toward tenure or continuing status. As part of the special annual review component for probationary faculty, performance in teaching, research, Extension and service (the areas of contribution necessary for tenure/continuing status) will be measured against written unit and college guidelines and criteria for promotion and tenure/continuing status. Overall progress will be assessed in the context of the candidate's performance to date as an indication that the candidate is making progress toward meeting these criteria by the sixth year of appointment.
  • Each year, in addition to the usual materials submitted for annual review in CALES (Faculty Portfolio, position description, goals and objectives), probationary faculty will submit an up-to-date curriculum vitae following the format required for the P&T/CS&P dossier.
  • Probationary faculty will be reviewed annually by a unit peer committee and by the unit head. This peer review committee will be formed in accordance with university and unit guidelines and will include rank superior faculty only. The committee will provide written comments to the unit head regarding the faculty member's progress in teaching, research, Extension and service. The unit head will also assess the faculty member's progress and provide a written summary of the evaluation results to the probationary faculty member.
  • According to UHAP 3.2.01, "Annual performance reviews may be considered in the promotion and tenure process, but such evaluations are not determinative on promotion and tenure decisions. Satisfactory ratings in the annual performance reviews do not necessarily indicate successful progress toward promotion and tenure." UHAP 4A.2.01 contains similar language relevant to continuing-eligible faculty.
  • See the Faculty Affairs website for more information on Annual Performance Reviews.


Post-tenure Review Audit

In 1997, the Arizona Board of Regents began requiring an ongoing review audit for all tenured faculty. University guidelines require a college-level audit of twenty percent of tenured faculty evaluations each year by an elected or appointed college peer committee. Over a five-year period, all tenured faculty will have been included, with the exception of those newly tenured. The committee “checks the adequacy of the process and makes appropriate recommendations to the unit head.” If necessary, the committee may recommend that the assistant dean refer files back to the unit.

  • The post-tenure review audit must be completed in the colleges by September 15 and a report is due to the provost around October 15.
  • The CALES Post-tenure Review Committee is comprised of seven elected faculty who serve staggered three-year terms. Nominations are requested of unit heads in January and elections are held for the committee if more nominations are received than there are vacancies. If needed, these elections typically take place in February.
  • To ensure thought diversity and discipline equity, the college has historically been divided into three groupings:
    • Biological Sciences (three representatives): Animal and Comparative Biomedical Sciences; Entomology; Nutritional Sciences and Wellness; Plant Sciences
    • Natural Sciences (two representatives): Biosystems Engineering; Natural Resources and the Environment; Environmental Science
    • Social Sciences (two representatives): Agricultural Education, Technology and Innovation; Agricultural and Resource Economics; Human Ecology

CALES Post-tenure Review Committee - Audit Procedures


        Contact: Juliana Teeters, jteeters@arizona.edu, 520-621-3426