Career Management: All

Professional Development

ALVSCE Leadership Fellows

Professional Development

Effective leadership in our division is a fundamental ingredient to our collective success. Promising leaders in every part of our organization are a vital resource to be cultivated and nurtured.  

The division is pleased to offer a distinguished leadership development program designed to identify, nurture, and develop administrative talent in our division. The Leadership Fellows program provides structure and financial assistance for promising and accomplished leaders to fully realize their leadership development plans. Active mentors and applied learning through service to the division community are key components to the success of each fellow.  

Staff with a fully engaged mentor, proven track record, well-thought out development plan, ambition, and the ability to make an important impact on the future success of our organization are eligible for consideration.

An announcement for nominations will be made each fall.

PDF iconFellows Program Description



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Nomination packets for the 2022/2023 Leadership Fellows cohort are due January 18, 2023.  See Fellows Program Description file above for submission details.

Click here to see current and former Leadership Fellows cohorts

Fellows Program Description

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Business Office Training Across UA

Professional Development

Links to training useful for business office staff

UAccess Community: Business Office Training

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Financial Administrator Series (FAS)

Professional Development

The Financial Administrator Series (FAS) is a professional development opportunity for financial administrators at the University of Arizona sponsored by the Financial Services Office and Research, Discovery & Innovation.  The emphasis of the program is on critical thinking and analysis rather than the “how to” focus of many training sessions and covers topics that high level financial administrators encounter in their positions.

Financial Administrator Series

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Training and Professional Development Opportunities

Professional Development

The University of Arizona has a wealth of training and professional development opportunities from UAccess Learning to Academic Leadership Institute to UA Leads and more.  We want to know what kind of training and professional development opportunities you're interested in so we can provide you a consolidated repository of opportunities.  Fill out this form to provide us suggestions of training and professional development you'd like to see here.

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Evaluations & Reviews

Career Conversations

Evaluations & Reviews

Every benefits-eligible employee is required to receive a performance review annually. Career Conversations is the recommended format for staff in the Division of Agriculture, Life and Veterinary Sciences, and Cooperative Extension.

If you missed the Q&A CALS hosted on Career Conversations led by our former HR Consultants, Marisela Celaya and Dustin Green, click here to watch the video.

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Faculty Annual Performance Reviews

Evaluations & Reviews

Annual Reviews for Tenure- and Continuing-Eligible Faculty

  • Every benefits-eligible employee is required to receive a performance review annually.
  • All CALES faculty members are evaluated in the context of their position description, both for annual review and for promotion. All tenure- and continuing-eligible faculty should receive a special component of their annual review that provides feedback regarding progress toward tenure or continuing status. As part of the special annual review component for probationary faculty, performance in teaching, research, Extension and service (the areas of contribution necessary for tenure/continuing status) will be measured against written unit and college guidelines and criteria for promotion and tenure/continuing status. Overall progress will be assessed in the context of the candidate's performance to date as an indication that the candidate is making progress toward meeting these criteria by the sixth year of appointment.
  • Each year, in addition to the usual materials submitted for annual review in CALES (UA Vitae, position description, goals and objectives), probationary faculty will submit an up-to-date curriculum vitae following the format required for the P&T/CS&P dossier.
  • Probationary faculty will be reviewed annually by a unit peer committee and by the unit head. This peer review committee will be formed in accordance with university and unit guidelines and will include rank superior faculty only. The committee will provide written comments to the unit head regarding the faculty member's progress in teaching, research, Extension and service. The unit head will also assess the faculty member's progress and provide a written summary of the evaluation results to the probationary faculty member.
  • According to UHAP 3.2.01, "Annual performance reviews may be considered in the promotion and tenure process, but such evaluations are not determinative on promotion and tenure decisions. Satisfactory ratings in the annual performance reviews do not necessarily indicate successful progress toward promotion and tenure." UHAP 4A.2.01 contains similar language relevant to continuing-eligible faculty.
  • See the Faculty Affairs website for more information on Annual Performance Reviews.


Post-tenure Review Audit

In 1997, the Arizona Board of Regents began requiring an ongoing review audit for all tenured faculty. University guidelines require a college-level audit of twenty percent of tenured faculty evaluations each year by an elected or appointed college peer committee. Over a five-year period, all tenured faculty will have been included, with the exception of those newly tenured. The committee “checks the adequacy of the process and makes appropriate recommendations to the unit head.” If necessary, the committee may recommend that the assistant dean refer files back to the unit.

  • The post-tenure review audit must be completed in the colleges by September 15 and a report is due to the provost around October 1.
  • The CALES Post-tenure Review Committee is comprised of seven elected faculty who serve staggered three-year terms. Nominations are requested of unit heads in January and elections are held for the committee if more nominations are received than there are vacancies. If needed, these elections typically take in February.
  • To ensure thought diversity and discipline equity, the college has historically been divided into three groupings:
    • Biological Sciences (three representatives): Animal and Comparative Biomedical Sciences; Entomology; Nutritional Sciences and Wellness; Plant Sciences
    • Natural Sciences (two representatives): Biosystems Engineering; Natural Resources and the Environment; Environmental Science
    • Social Sciences (two representatives): Agricultural Education, Technology and Innovation; Agricultural and Resource Economics; Human Ecology


        Contact: Juliana Teeters,, 520-621-3426 

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Employment Manuals

Faculty Constitution

Employment Manuals

This Constitution sets forth the basic organization and processes through and by which the General Faculty of the University of Arizona shall function, within the scope of its authority and responsibility, under state law and the policies and regulations of the Board of Regents authorized by that law.

Faculty Constitution

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GA Manual

Employment Manuals
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University Handbook for Appointed Personnel

Employment Manuals
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Faculty Workload

Professors of Practice Performing Research

Faculty Workload

CALES Professors of Practice (POPs) do not write grant proposals or conduct research as part of their academic appointment except when these activities relate directly to the scholarship of effective instruction. They can negotiate a separate contract to conduct research during the summer months. Specific guidance is provided in this policy.

CALES Policy, Professors of Practice Performing Research.pdf


Additional Resource: These slides convey the CALES policies on Professor of Practice faculty positions as of March, 2019 and are available here as a historical reference.

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Promotion Review Process

Guidelines and Criteria for Faculty Appointment and Promotion

Promotion Review Process

The College of Agriculture, Life and Environmental Sciences (CALES) has guidelines and criteria for promotion and tenure and promotion and continuing status that include a statement regarding compliance with relevant university and Board of Regents policies. An earlier revision (June 1999) emphasized the use of the position description in evaluation and advancement decisions and added an appendix with examples of instruction, research and service activities that may be used in the evaluation process.

Promotion Review Process for Faculty is a valuable online resource that provides practical, informal guidance and answers to frequently asked questions regarding the promotion process and preparation of dossiers for CALES faculty, administrators, mentors and staff.

All new tenure- or continuing-eligible faculty hired after July 1, 2003 must have a probationary review in their third year and a mandatory review for tenure or continuing status in their sixth year. Annual reviews for tenure- and continuing-eligible faculty must have an extra component that addresses progress toward tenure or continuing status.

Promotion of professors of practice and other career-track faculty (non-tenure) faculty, and 3-year or other probationary reviews with recommendation for non-renewal are due to the Office of the Vice President and Dean by September 27. Promotion and/or tenure or continuing status dossiers and three-year or other probationary reviews are due to the Office of the Vice President and Dean by October 25 (unless there is a possibility for non-retention). Consult your unit head for earlier unit deadlines.




Abstracted Guidelines and Criteria

A one-page abstract of each set of guidelines for use in Section 3 of the dossier is available below.

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Promotion Review Process for Faculty

Promotion Review Process

The information provided here is supplemental and specific to our division.  Always consult the promotion information available from University of Arizona Faculty Affairs.

University of Arizona Faculty Affairs offers detailed guidance on faculty promotion reviews, retention reviews, and dossier templates for promotion and tenure, continuing status and promotion, and career track promotion.  Be sure to use the correct and current dossier template as provided for the cycle which you are planning to submit.  Read the directions provided in the template carefully.  

On this website, you will find information and guidance specific to faculty in the College of Agriculture, Life and Environmental Sciences and in Cooperative Extension.  This includes deadlines specific to our division.  

Important CALES Deadlines for 2024-25 Review Cycle

BE ADVISED: The Office of the Vice President and Dean DOES NOT review dossiers before they are sent to outside evaluators or prior to being submitted for university-level review. It is the responsibility of all unit heads and the director of UA Cooperative Extension to ensure that all dossiers are complete and meet the latest university requirements. Mistakes caught early within the department can be amended; they cannot be corrected later in the process without initiating re-review at all levels. 

September 27, 2024 

Career Track dossiers (Professors of Practice, Research Professors, Lecturers, and Instructors) and 3-year or other probationary reviews with recommendation for non-renewal are to be reviewed by the unit committee, the unit head, and moved forward for college-level review in the Review, Promotion and Tenure (RPT) system.

October 25, 2024

P&T, CS&P and promotion only dossiers are to be reviewed by the unit committee, the unit head, and moved forward for college-level review in the Review, Promotion and Tenure (RPT) system.

October 25, 2024

All 3-year or other probationary reviews with recommendation for renewal are to be reviewed by the unit committee, the unit head, and moved forward for dean review in the Review, Promotion and Tenure (RPT) system.

Faculty should consult their unit head for important unit deadlines. 


Designing a Strong Dossier

This information is supplemental to the detail guidance on the Faculty Affairs website.  

  • Section 2. Summary of Candidate's Workload Assignment

    • The responsibilities of continuing-track faculty should be particularly well defined to ensure understanding by reviewers beyond the college level. Since the Division of Agriculture, Life and Veterinary Sciences, and Cooperative Extension is the only unit on campus that has Cooperative Extension, the nature of Extension appointments often is not clearly understood.
    • The Summary of Candidate's Workload Assignment is not to contain "non-evaluative" language. Outside evaluators must not be sent dossiers containing a Summary of Candidate's Workload Assignment that also evaluates or praises the candidate's contributions. This one-page form is filled out by unit heads to provide specifics on assigned duties. If you have any questions about whether the language in your dossier could be considered evaluative, please contact Juliana Teeters (Office of the Vice President and Dean) or (Extension Administration, 520-621-7205) before sending your dossier out for review.
    • It is required that an official job description be provided with every continuing track candidate's dossier
  • Section 3. Departmental and College Promotion and Tenure Guidelines/Department and College Criteria for Review - Guidelines

    • One-page abstracts of the appropriate college criteria specifically designed for the dossier are available online. If unit faculty voted to use college-level guidelines and criteria, the unit head should provide a statement in Section 3.
    • The full version of the CALES Guidelines and Criteria and the appendix with examples of activities may be sent to outside evaluators to provide greater detail but should be replaced with the abstract when the dossier is submitted to the college. College and university committees have access to the full version of the CALES Guidelines and Criteria.
  • Section 6. Teaching Portfolio

    • Continuing-track candidates who have responsibility for teaching one or more credit classes must complete this section.
    • CALES requires that Section 6 (including selected syllabi, etc.) be sent to outside evaluators.
    • Do not forward supporting instructional materials for college review. These items must be removed before submitting to the Office of the Vice President and Dean.
  • Section 10. Letters from External Evaluators and Collaborators

    • If you wish to make changes to the template letter to outside evaluators please seek the approval of Dr. Andrea Romero, Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs, directly.  A copy of the request and Dr. Romero's response MUST be sent to the Office of the Vice President and Dean.


Three-Year Review (Required) for Tenure- or Continuing-eligible Faculty

  • All three-year reviews will be submitted no later than October 25 for review by:
    • Vice president and dean
    • CALES P&T or P&CA committee (if necessary) - Career Track faculty are not required to do three-year reviews.
  • The formal three-year review for CALES faculty will follow the guidelines and instructions issued by the Office of the Provost for Retention Reviews. If it appears there will be a recommendation for non-retention following the three-year review, the dossier must be submitted to the Office of the Vice President and Dean by September 27 in order to meet the deadlines for full review at all levels as required by university policy.
  • If the results of the three-year review are satisfactory but warrant an interim review prior to the sixth year, the unit head and/or college committee may request that the Vice President and Dean require an additional formalized fourth- or fifth-year review.


Role of Extension and Service

  • Extension specialists and agents also have a specialized focus on applied research and outreach teaching activities directed to clientele in the state and region. Extension specialists often have a split appointment between Extension and research which is uncommon outside the College of Agriculture, Life and Environmental Sciences. The actual split of the formal appointment among teaching, research, and extension should be stated in the Summary of Candidate's Workload Assignment (Section 2). Extension candidates should emphasize the creative methods of technology transfer used for educational outreach and identify activities in relation to the crucial role Cooperative Extension plays in the overall university continuum of teaching, research, and service. As they develop programs, they should identify ways to measure change or assess results so they will be able to show the impact of their work in the continuing status review.
  • In an academic culture, it is easier for others to evaluate research than teaching and it is also easier to assess formal teaching than work in Extension. Extension specialists and agents should make a special effort to explain their activities, since many at the university level are still unfamiliar with the mission and responsibilities of Cooperative Extension.


Committees and Administrators 


  • Department/School/Cooperative Extension
  • College: Promotion & Tenure, Continuing Status & Promotion, and Professors of Practice
  • University


  • Department Head/School Director/County Extension Director
  • Vice President/Dean
  • Provost

The Role and Responsibilities of Review Committees and Reviewers

  • The makeup of the unit committee is specified in UHAP 3.3.02 (tenure) or UHAP 4A.3.02 (continuing status). Provided there are sufficient numbers of faculty to warrant such a committee, each department should have a Standing Advisory Committee for continuing status and another for tenure to advise the immediate administrative head before recommendations on reviews for continuing status, tenure, promotion, and non-renewal are forwarded to higher levels. One, mixed committee is allowable if all other requirements are met. Per UHAP, department committees must include at least three continuing status faculty to review continuing track candidates AND at least three tenured faculty to review tenure track candidates. Likewise, two additional POPs should be included when reviewing the POP candidates (please see CALES POP Guidelines).
  • Small units may need to add outside faculty to a P&T or CS&P committee to provide the relevant expertise or representation; all additions to committees from outside the unit must be approved by the Associate Dean for Faculty Advancement, Jean E. McLain.
  • The Cooperative Extension peer committee and county Extension director are also in a better position to assess Extension activities and publications than other committees or reviewers. Because the unit head letter is considered especially important in the evaluation process, the university recommends that new heads consult an experienced head for advice on preparing this letter.
  • Because applied research in CALES is not as easily understood as basic research by university academic committees, additional clarification by the unit head and dean can be very helpful.
  • See the Faculty Affairs website for more information on Review Committees.


The Promotion & Tenure Committee members

The Promotion & Continuing Appointment Committee members

The Professors of Practice Promotion Committee members 

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